EU Digital Product Passport and Smart Labeling

In the year 1414 we started using passports, our plants have used them since 1993, pets have used them since 2001, and in 2023 it was the turn of car batteries sold in the EU. Over the next couple of years all consumer products will require a digital product passport (textiles are next), not just in the EU but rolling out across the world.

This excellent report (below) by Dr Melanie King and Paul Timms at Loughborough University highlights the lack of industry awareness of these new regulations.

It was a pleasure to represent Buyerdock at the round table discussion and share experiences from different industries that are already trialing Smart Labels with Buyerdock’s iQRcode.

If you are a brand owner or manufacturer you will need a passport for your products in the coming years. Contact the team at Buyerdock to see how an iQRcode (the Buyerdock Smart Label) can revolutionise your consumer engagement, provide EU recycle and Triman logos to export, capture consumer data and (approved by GS1) will scan at POS, when all bar codes move over to QR codes.

Melanie King

Senior Lecturer in Systems Engineering, Loughborough University, UK

With the enactment of the new EU Battery Regulations, organisations are required to embrace Battery Passports and Smart Labelling, enabling transparency and sustainability in battery production and consumption. My recent research, however, highlights critical gaps in awareness, information availability, and operational readiness faced by UK organisations in aligning with these legislative changes. 

A representative survey was conducted to gauge the awareness and preparedness of 80 organisations in regard to the new EU Battery Regulations. An Industry-Academic round table discussion and follow-up interviews were then held to reflect on the implications for Industry.  The results can be downloaded in these two reports:

EU Battery Regulations 2023: UK Readiness for Battery Passports and Smart Labelling – A survey of UK-based organisations and those that supply to the UK/EU.

EU Battery Regulations 2023: UK Readiness for Battery Passports and Smart Labelling – Report on a round table discussion and follow-up interviews.